- Is it appropriate?
- Is it achievable?
- What is the purpose?
- Who is the target audience?
- What is the outcome going to be?
I've really struggled with my given word cutlery. My initial ideas for this brief are to re-brand an existing cutlery brand, hold a cutlery exhibition ( design leaflets/business cards) or something to do with cutlery etiquette.
Cutlery etiquette could be interesting to do, from my survey people are unfamiliar of table layouts etc. I would have to do my research in to table manners. Something suggested from the crit was to do a 'do's and don'ts at a dinner party' which could be interesting to explore.
My work plan for the week:
Book a printing session for Wednesday 22nd (day before module deadline)
Decide and write a brief
Research table etiquette
Mock-up a template design
Hand Essay in
Carry on research into table etiquette
Beginning designing
Design and final tweaks. Print
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