After my tutorial with Simon, I need to crack on with gathering first hand research, I have written a draft email which I will swap and change around to make it personal to each designer I send to. I will revisit this blogpost and add/change questions when I think of them:
Dear _____
I am a third year Graphic Design student currently working on my dissertation at Leeds College of Art. I am basing my written piece on women in graphic design. This has come about after statistics that show a female domination in design education which then appears to be reversed when it comes to industry. I believe women are underrepresented in the history of design and that will be something that I will explore throughout my dissertation and why so few women reach top positions at work such as Art Director level.
I would be so grateful if you have the time to answer the following questions in as much depth before sending it back or if you're based in Leeds arranging a place to chat about your practice or skype! I understand this this is a busy time, but I would be hugely appreciate for your participation and also please do feel free to leave questions blank! Thank you!
Do women create differently to men?
Why are there generally so few women in top positions?
Why do you think so women feature in the history of design?
Have you ever come across the so-called "glass ceiling" (the point beyond which women don't get promoted) Do you think it exists or is it an urban myth?
Does the gender gap matter?
About your practice:
these questions will be different for each designer I send to. I will ask personal questions depending on what I want to find out about their practice.
How do you divide your time?
Are there any new mediums or type of project that you are looking to tackle or engage in?
Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you!
Kind Regards
Vanessa Cain
Saturday, 31 October 2015
Friday, 30 October 2015
OUGD601: First Tutorial
Yesterday I had my first tutorial with Simon. It was really useful and clarified and put me in a good position to start writing. However, a list of stuff I need to get done before next tutorial (Thu 5th Nov):
- gather a list of designers I want to contact, local and international!
- firsthand research - draft an email to send to designers (show simon)
- what questions I want to ask, what do I want to find out?
- Write a rough draft of chapter two (women pioneers)
- look at Leeds College of Art, ratio of male to female
- don't write introduction yet but.. why is my dissertation an important discussion? it is but clarify why
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
OUGD601: Primary Research
I need to find a solid focus for my Gender research.
1. Why am I doing this research?
2. What is the need for this research?
3. Where will the research lead?
4. What are the issues that I wish to address?
I feel a questionnaire would be the best way for me to gain a large amount of response. I intend to to use a range of platforms to send my questions out using surveymonkey for example, I will use FaceBook to get a range of response from a younger age category .
I've set the questionnaire in a quantitive format but left the questions open-ended as I want to conduct qualitative research as it will give me a deeper, more adequate and fair understanding of what peoples motivations, opinions and responses really are. This 'less rigorous non-scentific' approach with its emphasis on asking people what they feel and believe and on interpretation means that, at least initially, qualitative research was met with some resistance as there is no hard numerical data. However, the importance of the information provides such a deep understanding of the topic.
1. Male or Female?
2. Age Category
18-24 25-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 60+
1. Why am I doing this research?
2. What is the need for this research?
3. Where will the research lead?
4. What are the issues that I wish to address?
I feel a questionnaire would be the best way for me to gain a large amount of response. I intend to to use a range of platforms to send my questions out using surveymonkey for example, I will use FaceBook to get a range of response from a younger age category .
I've set the questionnaire in a quantitive format but left the questions open-ended as I want to conduct qualitative research as it will give me a deeper, more adequate and fair understanding of what peoples motivations, opinions and responses really are. This 'less rigorous non-scentific' approach with its emphasis on asking people what they feel and believe and on interpretation means that, at least initially, qualitative research was met with some resistance as there is no hard numerical data. However, the importance of the information provides such a deep understanding of the topic.
10 Questions
2. Age Category
3. Occupation _________
4. Why are there generally so few women in top positions? Comment.
5. Would you rather work for a male or female boss? Comment/Why.
6. Have you ever come across the so-called "glass ceiling" (the point beyond which women don't get promoted) Do you think it exists or is it an urban myth? Comment.
7. Have you ever been a victim of gender discrimination in the workplace?
8. Are there any specific fields in which you feel that men and women are not treated equally? List them.
9. Do you think that you are treated equally at work when compared with the opposite sex?
10. Do you think people make too big of a deal about gender inequality in the workplace?
- followed with.. Any other comments/concerns?
After Thoughts 13/11/2015
I have decided not to continue with this survey as I do not think it is necessary or specific to my dissertation. Originally, I was concerned as I wanted to gather as many answers as possible, to show I have done primary research. However, from now on I am going to solely focus on gathering qualitative primary research such as in-depth interviews and skype calls. I think this will be a lot more helpful and insightful to my topic as I want to hear peoples opinions on the topic of gender disparity within graphic design.
4. Why are there generally so few women in top positions? Comment.
5. Would you rather work for a male or female boss? Comment/Why.
6. Have you ever come across the so-called "glass ceiling" (the point beyond which women don't get promoted) Do you think it exists or is it an urban myth? Comment.
7. Have you ever been a victim of gender discrimination in the workplace?
8. Are there any specific fields in which you feel that men and women are not treated equally? List them.
9. Do you think that you are treated equally at work when compared with the opposite sex?
10. Do you think people make too big of a deal about gender inequality in the workplace?
- followed with.. Any other comments/concerns?
After Thoughts 13/11/2015
I have decided not to continue with this survey as I do not think it is necessary or specific to my dissertation. Originally, I was concerned as I wanted to gather as many answers as possible, to show I have done primary research. However, from now on I am going to solely focus on gathering qualitative primary research such as in-depth interviews and skype calls. I think this will be a lot more helpful and insightful to my topic as I want to hear peoples opinions on the topic of gender disparity within graphic design.
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Methodology + Critical Analysis Lecture
- every dissertation has to evidence methodology
- critical analysis + methodology = 40%
Methodology = a logical, structured way of organising a research project & gathering necessary information. Evidence you have reflected critically on various research methods & the chosen ones that are most appropriate for your particular research project.
- Methodology is unique to each project!
- Palgrave study skills >> quantitative/qualitative research study skills
Methodology may include:
- literature review (libraries/journals/internet)
- a particular theoretical approach
- Questionnaires - sample size, reliability & validity
- Interviews - structured or unstructured? Bias?
Outline your methodology at the start of the dissertation.
Introduction: contextualise your question in around 500 words. Clarify what you're doing.
Critical Analysis
- reasoned thinking - stepping away & using evidence and logic to come to your conclusions
- try to consider different points of views
- what do I want to say?
- have I got the evidence to back it up? (contradict)
- could you find more? is it necessary?
- have I relied on one source?
Triangulation - pitting alternative theories against the same body of data
OUGD601: Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Qualitative Research - is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential quantitative research. Qualitative Research is also used to uncover trends in thought and opinions, and dive deeper into the problem. Qualitative data collection methods vary using unstructured or semi-structured techniques. Some common methods include focus groups (group discussions), individual interviews, and participation/observations. The sample size is typically small, and respondents are selected to fulfill a given quota.
Quantitative Research - is used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data or data that can be transformed into useable statistics. It is used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and other defined variables – and generalize results from a larger sample population. Quantitative Research uses measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research. Quantitative data collection methods are much more structured than Qualitative data collection methods. Quantitative data collection methods include various forms of surveys – online surveys, paper surveys, mobile surveys and kiosk surveys, face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, longitudinal studies, website interceptors, online polls, and systematic observations.
Friday, 9 October 2015
OUGD601: Dissertation Plan
Dissertation Plan
The Profession of the female Graphic Designer: an exploration into the field of blah blah blah....
What factors facilitate a successful female designer?
will include my methodology
Literature review on Graphic Design
Discussion on statistics:
“A 2013 Guardian survey reports that of the 12,930 students at the University of the Arts London, of which CSM is part, 9,370 are female – a pretty weighty 72.5%”
“This female domination in graphic design education appears to be reversed when it comes to the graphic design industry.”
A much-quoted survey of the UK design industry published by the Design Council in 2010 revealed that only 40% of designers were women, in startling contrast to the 70% of female design students.
Chapter One: Women at Work
Discussion on women in the workplace, 40/50 years ago women were the homemaker .
Literature review on Graphic Design
Discussion on statistics:
“A 2013 Guardian survey reports that of the 12,930 students at the University of the Arts London, of which CSM is part, 9,370 are female – a pretty weighty 72.5%”
“This female domination in graphic design education appears to be reversed when it comes to the graphic design industry.”
A much-quoted survey of the UK design industry published by the Design Council in 2010 revealed that only 40% of designers were women, in startling contrast to the 70% of female design students.
Chapter One: Women at Work
Discussion on women in the workplace, 40/50 years ago women were the homemaker .
Feminist Movement
Gender Stereotypes
Chapter Two: Women Pioneers in the creative industry
Chapter Two: Women Pioneers in the creative industry
Discussion of women pioneers working in the creative industry who proved they have a talent, a visual voice and more often than not an activist spirit to push through the androcentric culture of the 1950’s to the late 1970’s.
Discuss Primary Research: Interviews/Questions & surveys
Chapter Three: Typeface Design
Even in the 21st century women are still underrepresented in the field of typeface design and development, and despite their rising numbers they are also less visible.
Discuss Primary Research: Interviews/Questions & surveys
Chapter Three: Typeface Design
Even in the 21st century women are still underrepresented in the field of typeface design and development, and despite their rising numbers they are also less visible.
Critical Analysis of Typefaces
Chapter Four: Magazines
Seventeen/Charm Magazine
Conclusion: Women to be viewed as a designer, not a woman in design?
Does the gender gap matter?
System or people sexist (peoples stigmas)
Chapter Four: Magazines
Seventeen/Charm Magazine
Conclusion: Women to be viewed as a designer, not a woman in design?
Does the gender gap matter?
System or people sexist (peoples stigmas)
Estimate Word Count
700 Word Introduction
1800 x 4 chapters
900 Word conclusion
900 Word conclusion
Thursday, 8 October 2015
OUGD601: Research/Groups
I have decided to do some research on groups actively raising awareness of female graphic designers which will help to contextualise my second chapter (the graphic design workplace).
Hall of Femmes
Hall of Femmes aims to highlight the work of women in art direction and design. The project was founded in 2009 by Samira Bouabana and Angela Tillman Sperandio. It includes lectures, exhibitions, interviews, podcasts and the publication of the Hall of Femmes book series, each book portraying a designer and her work through in-depth interviews and previously unpublished images.The project started as a personal desire to find female role models in graphic design, a field where women’s contribution to developing the profession had not been documented or had enough recognition.
Kerning The Gap is a collective of like-minded people who want to see more women in design leadership roles, hear their voices and be inspired to create change. The blog sheds new light on the topic with really insightful opinions to help with my dissertation as well as my practical.
"A prominent part of the speech was dedicated to the notion that women only networks are not going to solve the problem. Men need to be part of the conversation and, need to be instigating these conversations themselves, alongside women. Without support across the board, the dream of equality will fail. It’s also about understanding our differences and using them to our advantage" - Naomi Aylott Harvey
Hall of Femmes
Hall of Femmes aims to highlight the work of women in art direction and design. The project was founded in 2009 by Samira Bouabana and Angela Tillman Sperandio. It includes lectures, exhibitions, interviews, podcasts and the publication of the Hall of Femmes book series, each book portraying a designer and her work through in-depth interviews and previously unpublished images.The project started as a personal desire to find female role models in graphic design, a field where women’s contribution to developing the profession had not been documented or had enough recognition.
Kerning The Gap
Graphic BirdWatching
Graphic BirdWatching is an artist-led project that deals with gender representation in design industry. the premise of BirdWatching suggests that the imbalance of female designers might not stem from a lack of opportunity, but visibility.
My thoughts: There is a risk that organisations such as these serve to reinforce ‘differences’. Men need to be part of the conversation and women networks are not going to solve the problem.
Graphic BirdWa
tching was an artist-led project between 2009-2014 that dealt with gender representation in the design industry and championed the international debate on this topic.
Graphic BirdWatching was an artist-led project between 2009-2014 that dealt with gender representation in the design industry and championed the international debate on this topic.
Friday, 2 October 2015
OUGD601: New York Times/Women at the Drawing Board
I have found a really interesting article on New York Times although it was published in 2011, but it highlights some very insightful points and opinions that may come in handy for my dissertation.
Why do so few women reach the top of design? The short answer is the same lack of self-belief and entitlement that dogs them in every other profession, combined with opposition from those who commission the majority of design projects, most of whom are men. The graphic designer Paula Scher once described this as the “Why did I get the woman?” syndrome.
“There’s no question that design has been a boys’ club, I am still often the only female around the table,” said Ilse Crawford, founder of the Studioilse design group and a head tutor at Eindhoven. “As in all professions, it’s the hours you put in during your 30s and 40s that really propel you forward. Design projects run on tight, often changeable timelines. It is not a 9-to-5 job. If women have children and unless they are in super-supportive relationships, they are on the back foot here.”
Why do so few women reach the top of design? The short answer is the same lack of self-belief and entitlement that dogs them in every other profession, combined with opposition from those who commission the majority of design projects, most of whom are men. The graphic designer Paula Scher once described this as the “Why did I get the woman?” syndrome.
“There’s no question that design has been a boys’ club, I am still often the only female around the table,” said Ilse Crawford, founder of the Studioilse design group and a head tutor at Eindhoven. “As in all professions, it’s the hours you put in during your 30s and 40s that really propel you forward. Design projects run on tight, often changeable timelines. It is not a 9-to-5 job. If women have children and unless they are in super-supportive relationships, they are on the back foot here.”
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