Wednesday, 14 October 2015

OUGD601: Primary Research

I need to find a solid focus for my Gender research.

1. Why am I doing this research?
2. What is the need for this research?
3. Where will the research lead?
4. What are the issues that I wish to address?

I feel a questionnaire would be the best way for me to gain a large amount of response. I intend to to use a range of platforms to send my questions out using surveymonkey for example, I will use FaceBook to get a range of response from a younger age category .

I've set the questionnaire in a quantitive format but left the questions open-ended as I want to conduct qualitative research as it will give me a deeper, more adequate and fair understanding of what peoples motivations, opinions and responses really are. This 'less rigorous non-scentific' approach with its emphasis on asking people what they feel and believe and on interpretation means that, at least initially, qualitative research was met with some resistance as there is no hard numerical data. However, the importance of the information provides such a deep understanding of the topic.

10 Questions 

1. Male or Female?

2. Age Category

18-24 25-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 60+

3. Occupation _________

4. Why are there generally so few women in top positions? Comment.

5. Would you rather work for a male or female boss? Comment/Why.

6. Have you ever come across the so-called "glass ceiling" (the point beyond which women don't get promoted) Do you think it exists or is it an urban myth? Comment.

7. Have you ever been a victim of gender discrimination in the workplace?

8. Are there any specific fields in which you feel that men and women are not treated equally? List them.

9. Do you think that you are treated equally at work when compared with the opposite sex?

10. Do you think people make too big of a deal about gender inequality in the workplace?
- followed with.. Any other comments/concerns?

After Thoughts 13/11/2015

I have decided not to continue with this survey as I do not think it is necessary or specific to my dissertation. Originally,  I was concerned as I wanted to gather as many answers as possible, to show I have done primary research. However, from now on I am going to solely focus on gathering qualitative primary research such as in-depth interviews and skype calls. I think this will be a lot more helpful and insightful to my topic as I want to hear peoples opinions on the topic of gender disparity within graphic design. 

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