Wednesday, 9 December 2015

OUGD601: Written Brief/Museum Identity

For COP3 Practical I have decided to set myself a brief, to help synthesis my written work and my practical work. As well as making sure I fulfill the criteria I have set myself to keep on target. 


Create an event identity for an exhibition of your choice and produce a well-synthesised concept and range of designed promotional materials, think whether its appropriate and why it's done in a certain way. Research into your topic matter, and have the exhibition identity ready to pitch.  


Research into existing Museum Identity (primary/secondary) 
 Consider target audience and tone of voice.
 Consider different promotional materials (leaflets, web-presence)

Mandatory Requirements

Relevant Blog posts to support the development of the brief
 Photographed Outcomes
 Minimum of 3 Design Boards


 Range of designed products

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